Why cloth diapers
1 Reason: Save money for kids and adults
If we imagine that your child learns to use the potty at the age of 3, during this time you will change more than 7,200 disposable diapers and you will pay almost 4,000 euros. If you use one of Ekoviki's cool eco-friendly disposables, you'll pay 400-950 euros for a supply of cloth diapers, plus an additional 15-25 euros/month for detergent and additional washing and drying accessories.

2 Reason: Health
This is a much debated question, but I believe that cloth diapers are healthier for babies for one main reason:
Natural fibers (and even synthetic fabrics) allow more air flow than disposable plastic fabrics. From a strictly medical standpoint, this is important because it regulates heat in boys, which can affect scrotal temperature, and prevents yeast growth in girls, which can lead to UTIs, thrush, and many other yeast-related issues.

3 Reason: Durability
Cloth diapers offer a sustainable option for families - "sustainable", which means "the ability to maintain over a long period of time".
In this case, sustainability is both financial and environmental. Any well cared for cloth diaper can be reused on another baby. And the prefolds will easily hold up to 3-4 children, so the financial savings can be significant and the environmental impact absolutely minimal, even considering the additional water and energy consumption associated with washing and maintaining diapers.

4 Reason: Comfort for children and adults
When any diaper gets wet or dirty, the skin becomes hot and sticky due to a combination of body heat, moisture, and uric acid. Cloth diapers allow for better air flow, which helps to evaporate the moisture that is on your baby's skin, keeping your baby drier and less prone to diaper rash.